Society Publications
The Western New York Genealogist
The Western New York Genealogical Society has published a quarterly without interruption since 1974. Published in June, September, December and March, each issue contains articles relating to the eight counties of Western New York on such topics as research strategies and techniques, resource profiles, developments in the field of genealogy, and program and event information. The current name of the publication is The Western New York Genealogist, for short, the Genealogist. In the past, the publication was called the Journal.
Current Issue Preview
Below are the Table of Contents highlights from our current issue:
The Western New York Genealogist
Volume 51, No. 3
Dec 2024
p. 50 Upcoming Events
p. 51 President’s Message
p. 52 Photo Pages of the 50th Anniversary Events
p. 55 "Classified: Do You Have Accused Witch Ancestors in Your Family Tree?" by Rhonda Hoffman, MLS (3495L), Genealogy Specialist, BECPL
p. 57 Upcoming Grosvenor Room Virtual Genealogy Series: “Choose Your Genealogy Adventure”
p. 58 "Western New York Genealogical Society: The Fifth Decade: 2014-2023" by Fred Kester, Society Historian (364)
p. 60 Looking Back: Photos from the Fifth Decade
p. 63 Witmer Memorial Cemetery: Its History and Restoration by Peter Ames, Town of Niagara Historian (3375)
p. 65 WNYGS NextGen Special Interest Group
p. 66 "Using Maps in Genealogical Research" by Kaitlyn Pauley (4089L)
p. 72 Donations, New Members, and In Memoriam
Click to see the highlights from our previous four issues.

Western New York Genealogist Submission Guidelines
Western New York Counties of Interest
Allegany, Cattaraugus, Chautauqua, Erie, Genesee, Niagara, Orleans, and Wyoming
Material for Publication
We are interested in articles for the Genealogist, especially those pertaining to Western New York research and resources. Other topics of interest include how-to articles, genealogical tools, case studies, and historical articles relevant to Western New York genealogy. Outlines or articles should be submitted to the editor for consideration. Articles on individual families generally cannot be published as they are of limited interest to our members. Material accepted or simultaneously submitted for publication by another organization should not be submitted. It is not our intent to duplicate material printed elsewhere.
Article length: 1500-5000 words for feature articles.
Software: Microsoft Word (.docx)
Font: Cambria, 11 pt
Footnotes font: Cambria, 9 pt
Spacing: Single line; one space only at the end of sentences
Page orientation: Portrait
Margins: Left: .8" Right: .8" Top: 0.5" Bottom: 0.46"
Images may be included with the submitted article. Images should be submitted separately and must meet copyright requirements. The author is required to obtain permission for publication from the image copyright holder and/or holding repository.
Citations should be included as endnotes following the current edition of Evidence Explained by Elizabeth Shown Mills.
Deadlines for Completed Article Submissions to the Content Editor
December Issue - September 1st
March Issue - December 1st
June Issue - March 1st
September Issue - June 1st
If your completed article is accepted, a contract will be emailed to you to be signed and returned to the society in duplicate. The society will retain one copy and return a signed copy to the author by mail.
The Genealogist is staffed by volunteers. No compensation is paid for articles. The author will receive an electronic copy of the issue in which the article appears upon request.
Article Submissions or Questions?
Please send all articles, outlines, and questions to the Editor.
Purchasing Back Issues of the Journal
The Western New York Genealogical Society Journal Back Issue Collection (1974-2022) is now available for convenient direct download.
When you order, you will receive access to one ZIP file (315.3 MB) containing the complete set of searchable PDFs for volumes 1-48 (192 issues).
These files are for personal use only and may not be shared or distributed without the written permission of the Society. The emailed link is valid for 30 days.
Retail Price: $60
Member Price: $30 (with 50% off promo code)
Important Discount Information for WNYGS Members: Individual issues are currently available for viewing and download at no additional cost in our website's Members Area. For those members wishing to download the entire set as one file, you are eligible to receive the collection at 50% off the retail price when you apply the special promo code listed in the Members Area.